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Download WSM2016 database from the GFZ sever and applies optional filters. If destdir is specified, the data can be reloaded in a later R session using load_WSM2016() using the same arguments.


download_WSM2016(destdir = tempdir(), load = TRUE, ...)

  quality = c("A", "B", "C", "D", "E"),
  lat_range = c(-90, 90),
  lon_range = c(-180, 180),
  depth_range = c(-Inf, Inf),
  method = c("BO", "BOC", "BOT", "BS", "DIF", "FMA", "FMF", "FMS", "GFI", "GFM", "GFS",
    "GVA", "HF", "HFG", "HFM", "HFP", "OC", "PC", "SWB", "SWL", "SWS"),
  regime = c("N", "NS", "T", "TS", "S", NA)



where to save files, defaults to base::tempdir(), base::getwd() is also possible.


TRUE load the dataset into R, FALSE return the file name of the downloaded object.


(optional) arguments passed to load_WSM2016()


the name of the file which the data are to be read from.


a character vectors containing the quality levels to be included. Includes all quality ranks (A-E) by default.

lat_range, lon_range

two-element numeric vectors giving the range of latitudes and longitudes (in degrees).


two-element numeric vectors giving the depth interval (in km)


a character vectors containing the methods of stress inversion to be included. Includes all methods by default. See WSM2016 manual for used acronyms.


a character vectors containing the stress regimes to be included. Acronyms: "N" - normal, "T" - thrust, "S" - strike-slip, "NS" - oblique normal, "TS" - oblique thrust, and NA - unknown faulting


sf object of and the parsed numeric uncertainty (unc) based on the reported standard deviation and the quality rank. If load=FALSE, the path to the downloaded file is returned.


Because of R-compatibility and easy readability reasons, the downloaded dataset is a modified version of the original, WSM server version: All column names have been changed from uppercase (in the original dataset) to lowercase characters. Unknown azimuth values are represented by NA values instead of 999 in the original. Unknown regimes are represented by NA instead of "U" in the original.


Heidbach, O., M. Rajabi, X. Cui, K. Fuchs, B. M<U+00FC>ller, J. Reinecker, K. Reiter, M. Tingay, F. Wenzel, F. Xie, M. O. Ziegler, M.-L. Zoback, and M. D. Zoback (2018): The World Stress Map database release 2016: Crustal stress pattern across scales. Tectonophysics, 744, 484-498, doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2018.07.007 .


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
  quality = c("A", "B", "C"), lat_range = c(51, 72),
  lon_range = c(-180, -130), depth_range = c(0, 10), method = "FMS"
} # }