calculates parameters of the Mohr circle
sigmaX = NA,
sigmaZ = NA,
tauXZ = NA,
sigma1 = NA,
sigma3 = NA,
theta = seq(from = 0, to = 180, by = 1)
A five-element list containing
center of Mohr circle
radius of Mohr circle
vector of normal stresses for Mohr circle
vector of shear stresses for Mohr circle
vector of angles (degrees)
If theta is entered in conjunction with "sigmaX"
, "sigmaZ"
, and "tauXZ"
, it is interpreted
as the angle of inclination above the horizontal. If "theta"
is entered in conjunction
with the principal stresses, then it is interpreted as the angle of inclination above the
major principal plane.
One of the following two sets of data must be entered
MohrCircle_calc(sigmaX = 80, sigmaZ = 120, tauXZ = 20)
#> $C
#> [1] 100
#> $R
#> [1] 28.28427
#> $sigma
#> [1] 120.00000 120.68581 121.34641 121.98101 122.58882 123.16912 123.72119
#> [8] 124.24435 124.73798 125.20147 125.63426 126.03581 126.40564 126.74330
#> [15] 127.04838 127.32051 127.55935 127.76461 127.93604 128.07344 128.17664
#> [22] 128.24551 128.27996 128.27996 128.24551 128.17664 128.07344 127.93604
#> [29] 127.76461 127.55935 127.32051 127.04838 126.74330 126.40564 126.03581
#> [36] 125.63426 125.20147 124.73798 124.24435 123.72119 123.16912 122.58882
#> [43] 121.98101 121.34641 120.68581 120.00000 119.28983 118.55615 117.79987
#> [50] 117.02190 116.22319 115.40472 114.56748 113.71249 112.84079 111.95345
#> [57] 111.05155 110.13618 109.20846 108.26952 107.32051 106.36258 105.39689
#> [64] 104.42463 103.44699 102.46514 101.48028 100.49363 99.50637 98.51972
#> [71] 97.53486 96.55301 95.57537 94.60311 93.63742 92.67949 91.73048
#> [78] 90.79154 89.86382 88.94845 88.04655 87.15921 86.28751 85.43252
#> [85] 84.59528 83.77681 82.97810 82.20013 81.44385 80.71017 80.00000
#> [92] 79.31419 78.65359 78.01899 77.41118 76.83088 76.27881 75.75565
#> [99] 75.26202 74.79853 74.36574 73.96419 73.59436 73.25670 72.95162
#> [106] 72.67949 72.44065 72.23539 72.06396 71.92656 71.82336 71.75449
#> [113] 71.72004 71.72004 71.75449 71.82336 71.92656 72.06396 72.23539
#> [120] 72.44065 72.67949 72.95162 73.25670 73.59436 73.96419 74.36574
#> [127] 74.79853 75.26202 75.75565 76.27881 76.83088 77.41118 78.01899
#> [134] 78.65359 79.31419 80.00000 80.71017 81.44385 82.20013 82.97810
#> [141] 83.77681 84.59528 85.43252 86.28751 87.15921 88.04655 88.94845
#> [148] 89.86382 90.79154 91.73048 92.67949 93.63742 94.60311 95.57537
#> [155] 96.55301 97.53486 98.51972 99.50637 100.49363 101.48028 102.46514
#> [162] 103.44699 104.42463 105.39689 106.36258 107.32051 108.26952 109.20846
#> [169] 110.13618 111.05155 111.95345 112.84079 113.71249 114.56748 115.40472
#> [176] 116.22319 117.02190 117.79987 118.55615 119.28983 120.00000
#> $tau
#> [1] -20.0000000 -19.2898266 -18.5561515 -17.7998686 -17.0218994 -16.2231915
#> [7] -15.4047182 -14.5674766 -13.7124868 -12.8407904 -11.9534495 -11.0515452
#> [13] -10.1361763 -9.2084580 -8.2695206 -7.3205081 -6.3625766 -5.3968934
#> [19] -4.4246348 -3.4469856 -2.4651367 -1.4802844 -0.4936286 0.4936286
#> [25] 1.4802844 2.4651367 3.4469856 4.4246348 5.3968934 6.3625766
#> [31] 7.3205081 8.2695206 9.2084580 10.1361763 11.0515452 11.9534495
#> [37] 12.8407904 13.7124868 14.5674766 15.4047182 16.2231915 17.0218994
#> [43] 17.7998686 18.5561515 19.2898266 20.0000000 20.6858065 21.3464105
#> [49] 21.9810072 22.5888234 23.1691186 23.7211858 24.2443524 24.7379810
#> [55] 25.2014702 25.6342553 26.0358090 26.4056420 26.7433039 27.0483831
#> [61] 27.3205081 27.5593472 27.7646095 27.9360449 28.0734446 28.1766411
#> [67] 28.2455086 28.2799634 28.2799634 28.2455086 28.1766411 28.0734446
#> [73] 27.9360449 27.7646095 27.5593472 27.3205081 27.0483831 26.7433039
#> [79] 26.4056420 26.0358090 25.6342553 25.2014702 24.7379810 24.2443524
#> [85] 23.7211858 23.1691186 22.5888234 21.9810072 21.3464105 20.6858065
#> [91] 20.0000000 19.2898266 18.5561515 17.7998686 17.0218994 16.2231915
#> [97] 15.4047182 14.5674766 13.7124868 12.8407904 11.9534495 11.0515452
#> [103] 10.1361763 9.2084580 8.2695206 7.3205081 6.3625766 5.3968934
#> [109] 4.4246348 3.4469856 2.4651367 1.4802844 0.4936286 -0.4936286
#> [115] -1.4802844 -2.4651367 -3.4469856 -4.4246348 -5.3968934 -6.3625766
#> [121] -7.3205081 -8.2695206 -9.2084580 -10.1361763 -11.0515452 -11.9534495
#> [127] -12.8407904 -13.7124868 -14.5674766 -15.4047182 -16.2231915 -17.0218994
#> [133] -17.7998686 -18.5561515 -19.2898266 -20.0000000 -20.6858065 -21.3464105
#> [139] -21.9810072 -22.5888234 -23.1691186 -23.7211858 -24.2443524 -24.7379810
#> [145] -25.2014702 -25.6342553 -26.0358090 -26.4056420 -26.7433039 -27.0483831
#> [151] -27.3205081 -27.5593472 -27.7646095 -27.9360449 -28.0734446 -28.1766411
#> [157] -28.2455086 -28.2799634 -28.2799634 -28.2455086 -28.1766411 -28.0734446
#> [163] -27.9360449 -27.7646095 -27.5593472 -27.3205081 -27.0483831 -26.7433039
#> [169] -26.4056420 -26.0358090 -25.6342553 -25.2014702 -24.7379810 -24.2443524
#> [175] -23.7211858 -23.1691186 -22.5888234 -21.9810072 -21.3464105 -20.6858065
#> [181] -20.0000000
#> $theta
#> [1] 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
#> [19] 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35
#> [37] 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53
#> [55] 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71
#> [73] 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89
#> [91] 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107
#> [109] 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125
#> [127] 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143
#> [145] 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161
#> [163] 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179
#> [181] 180